I'm a judge at Cupcake Love-In at the wonderful Hotel Valley Ho today in Scottsdale, Arizona, along with Carrie Middlemiss from cupcake wrapper company Bella Cupcake Couture. It's fitting that it's taking place on Veteran's Day because it's supporting the charity Project H3 Vets, which works to combat homelessness among veterans. "Project H3 VETS is a collaborative initiative coordinated by the Arizona Coalition to End Homelessness and aligned nationally with the 100,000 Homes Campaign and the VA National Homeless Veterans Outreach Campaign." You can donate directly at the link above.
If you've made Veteran's Day
cupcakes, email us at
cupcakestakethecake at gmail.com with "Veterans" in the subject line or Tweet to us @cupcakeblog and we'll do our best to share your veteran
cupcakes. Here are some photos I took at last year's Cupcake Love-In: