These Hannukah and Christmas
cupcakes are by Flour & Sun Bakery in Pleasantville, New York - I love the letter to Santa one! Hannukah starts the night of December 8th and ends December 16th, and Christmas is December 25th. Photos via Filckr. Visit for daily flavors and more information. They also have a holiday cupcake decorating class coming up Sunday, December 9th at 2:30 so you can learn how to make your own, description below, and a cake pop class December 11th at 6:#0 ($65/save $5 if you bring a friend); find out more here:
Here's your chance to learn about buttercream, offset spatulas, piping bags and tips, gels, edible glitter and markers, fondant and lots more! Every student gets to bring home at six holiday cupcakes (including this fun polar bear) to show off their decorating talent to family and friends. All materials and tools will be provided. Teacher: Caitlin Dwyer.

Happy Hannukah!

Milk, cookies and a letter to Santa

Santa's hat

and Santa's feet!