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Any Perry the Platypus fans out there? If you don't know this little guy, he's a popular character on the Disney show, Phineas & Ferb. I found these Perry the Platypus
cupcakes on tumblr but sadly there was no recipe to go with it! So I'm going to deconstruct it a bit so you can make these at home!
As always with any decorated cupcake, feel free to use your own recipe or your favorite box mix. Perry is a pretty particular blue so I'd recommend using a light hand on the food coloring or icing color gels. His eyes are just white frosting dotted with some black icing, but you can also use a little white candy (smarties, mints, etc.) and dot them with the black icing to give it a little extra pop.
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Perry's beak looks like a mini Nilla Wafer stuffed into the cake with some black icing to make his little nostrils. His tail is a Nutter Butter stuck about 1/3 of the way in to give him that realistic looking platypus tail. We can't forget his hair! In this photo it looks like it's some black sprinkles or black icing in a stringy fashion. Taking a look at Perry up above I'd say these cupcake capture him pretty well!