My first cupcake of 2013 is yummy, a photo by Rachel from Cupcakes Take the Cake on Flickr.
A cookies n cream cupcake from Empire Cake in Chelsea (NYC), which is open til 10, a lot later than many other businesses on New Year's Day. It cost $2.95. The cake is the perfect mix of chocolatey and moist. I'd eat it with most any frosting. The frosting, like all of theirs I've tried, is heavy on the butter and therefore a bit heavy for my taste but the cookies n cream flavor is delicious. I tend to like their chocolate frostings best, but wanted to try something new.
They've also resdesigned this little bakery, so there now 8 stools and tabletops. Yay for 80's music too. Nice to start the year off the a yummy way. Happy New Year, everyone!