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Greaseproof Liners & My 1st Cupcake of 2013

Just three days into the New Year and I'm in the kitchen baking cupcakes!  This time, I'm using some super cute liners that I was given  by Shannon Harvey, owner of Sweets & Treats Boutique to test out!

Sweets & Treats makes greaseproof liners that are supposed to stand up to the discoloration that often happens when baking cupcakes, especially chocolate and other dark colored cake. Shannon sent me 4 sleeves of liners in all kinds of patterns and colors.

For these cupcakes, I chose the solid green liners to bring out the mint aspect of the cupcake. Since I was baking chocolate cupcakes, I wasn’t too sure how much color these liners would hold… but, I was happily surprised! They held their color really well and stuck to the cupcake nicely! Especially with this dark cake, I was happy that I could still see a lot of green in these liners! I would definitely use them again! Thanks Shannon for sending them to me!

With these liners, I made my first cupcake of 2013!  I made a Mint Chocolate Frango Cupcake and the recipe can be found on my blog,!


Cupcake style
Little Cake
Ice cakes
Smooth Cupcakes
Disney Cupcakes
Simple Cakes
Cupcakes tart
Pink Cupcakes
Mini Cupcakes
Rainbow Cupcakes
Peanuts CUpcakes
Cupcakes Maker
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